Quick Start

Here you will learn

  • Integrate Palmyra in SpringBoot application
  • How to Create a Request/Response format using Pojo classes
  • Handler to perform query Operations
  • How to access the published API

Integrate Palmyra in SpringBoot Application

Add palmyra dependencey in project build configuration, example given for gradle build.

repositories {
    maven {
        url "https://repo.palmyralabs.com/releases"

dependencies {
.. spring dependencies
	implementation 'com.palmyralabs.palmyra:palmyra-spring:1.0.0'

and in the SpringBoot main class, Import PalmyraSpringConfiguration The starter java class would be as below.

public class App {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		SpringApplication.run(App.class, args);

Define API Schema

The Query Schema - API request and response format is defined using annotations in a pojo class

Using @PalmyraType annotation, the primary table for query shall be defined. The @PalmyraField will be used to define the properties for columns being queried.

An example to query User object is as follows.

public class User {

	@PalmyraField(attribute="email", sort=true, search=true)
	private String loginName;

	private String name;

	private LocalDate dateOfBirth;

Query Handler

A component class implementing QueryHandler interface should be mapped using two Annotations.

  • @CrudMapping - to define the service endPoint
  • @PalmyraTypeRef - provide the pojo class reference
@CrudMapping(mapping="/v1/admin/user", type=User.class)
public class UserQueryHandler implements QueryHandler {
	public int aclCheck(Tuple item, HandlerContext ctx) {
		return ACLRights.ALL;

Access the user Query API

By default, the api will be published under /api/<crudMapping value>. Here the user details can be queried using

curl --request GET \
  --url 'http://localhost:8080/palmyra/v1/admin/user \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json'  
  • Add authentication details as needed